Building Design
The Essential Guide To Choosing Your Building Cladding
Every component has a role to play when designing a new structure. While the framing impacts features like size, shape and weight distribution, building cladding is crucial to a structure’s weather-resistance, thermal insulation and overall functionality.
Metal Building Components: Understanding The Important Metal Building Parts
Thanks to their prefabricated metal building components, erecting and installing a steel structure is a much simpler process than with other types of buildings. However, designing a metal building can still be complicated, so it’s worthwhile for operations to go into their project with an understanding of the most important metal building parts.
What Determines Building Costs Per Square Foot? Here’s WHat To Know TO Reduce Building Cost
Over the course of a building project, there are a number of key steps operations need to go through to bring their vision to life. The pre-construction stage is especially crucial, as this is when they will make most of their important decisions, including which manufacturer they are going to work with, how their building will be designed and where the structure will be erected.
4 Types Of Building Construction Materials You’ll Encounter In Your Project
The pre-construction phase of a building project is often times the most important, since this is when operations will make a majority of the decisions that impact the design of their structure. In particular, one of the most daunting tasks businesses are faced with is selecting their building construction materials.
How To Choose Between Different Types Of Structures
When planning a new building, businesses have many materials and types of structures to choose from. Sometimes, this large amount of choice can become overwhelming, leading customers to ask – how do you design a commercial building?
Everything You Need To Know ABout Insulated Steel Buildings
With options available for any budget, climate and style of metal building out there, insulation is an element of building design that every operation should consider. By referencing this guide, businesses can learn more about the benefits offered by insulated steel buildings, and then determine the type of insulating material that is best suited to their needs.
The Ultimate Guide To Metal Frame BUildings: Creating Your Steel Frame Structure
One of the most important projects an operation can take on is designing and constructing a new metal frame building. With an almost endless list of design options, features and customizations, finding a solution that compliments a business can be time consuming and potentially confusing.
The Ultimate Guide On Building An Indoor Pickleball Facility
Pickleball continues to be one of the fastest growing sports in the country. With an expanding player base and the rise in popularity of professional organizations, like USA Pickleball (USAP) and Major League Pickleball (MLP), the game is amassing a sizeable following across the United States.
Prefab Buildings: Why Operations Are Going With A Prefab Structure
Operations need a high-quality structure for their business to function properly, regardless of what industry they are in. There’s no shortage of building options available, but that surplus can complicate the search process and leave these operations with a structure that doesn’t quite fit their needs.
Avoid These Big Mistakes In Commercial Building Design
Designing and constructing a new commercial building is one of the most labor-intensive projects an operation can take on. From choosing the right design elements to staying within budget, creating the ideal structural solution can take an immense amount of planning.
Choosing The Right Building Foundation
Before diving into a new building project, it’s essential to know what type of foundation will best suit the building and the land on which it is built. Once the location for a structure has been chosen, assess the bearing capacity of the soil where the foundation will be placed.
Using ClearSpan To Create Your Ideal Manufacturing Building
Manufacturing is a diverse industry, and every operation has different needs to meet their production goals. To help them get there, these facilities need a building that can satisfy those unique requirements.
ClearSpan’s Mobile Buildings Make The Ultimate Portable Structures
Many industries require operations to move around to different job sites, but with a lack of sufficient, mobile buildings on the market, these businesses are often left with low-quality portable structures or stationary buildings that can’t travel with them.
How A Shipping Container Foundation Can Improve Your Operation
When operations need a new workspace or additional storage, finding the right building to rectify the situation can be a headache for business-owners. Whether it’s temporary storage for securing valuables or a new facility altogether, many options are either time-consuming to acquire, purely short-term or extend beyond an operation’s budget.
Barn Ventilation Design: Getting It Right
The difference between a hot, musty barn and a cool, fresh-smelling barn is an effective barn ventilation system. This is especially true in livestock applications, where moisture and odor accumulate quickly.
Why Your NExt Temporary Building Should Be A Fabric Structure
In the building market, the word “temporary” no longer means what it used to. What was once a representation of something weak, feeble or strictly a short-term solution, is now a word that paints a much different picture.
Pavilion Buildings Are Ideal For Outdoor Events
With warm weather on the horizon, more events will start taking place outside. Mother Nature may be unpredictable, but ClearSpan Pavilion Buildings are configured to accommodate outdoor activities for everything from concerts to horse riding.
Improving Gym Building Design With Fabric Structures
When it comes to athletics, schools and businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their facilities. From organized sports to exercising in a local gym, the design of a gym building needs to create an environment where athletes or guests can perform their best.
The Advantages Of Natural Lighting In Fabric Structures
As one of the most versatile building solutions on the market, ClearSpan structures provide a number of benefits to operations, in any industry. One advantage businesses gain when they choose fabric cladding is abundant natural light, and while it may not be the most prominent feature, its benefits are becoming hard to ignore.
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings Should Be Your NExt Structural Solution
In any industry, circumstances can arise that require businesses to find a quick building solution. This can be a stressful situation, as operations often have to scramble and rapidly gauge their options to find the right structure.
ClearSpan Industry Terms Explained
It’s not uncommon to see the use of jargon in certain product descriptions, especially within niche industries. In the tension fabric building industry, words like “rip stop” and “triple galvanized” come up often.
Horse Arena Footing
If setting up a riding arena for the first time, deciding on footing material is a topic one will have to address. There are a number of different materials for arena footing, but there are a few things to keep in mind when coming up with a composition that best fits particular arena uses.
Sustainable Fabric Structures: An Eco-Friendly, Energy-Efficient Fabric Building
Sustainability and environmental consciousness are more important now than ever before, and operations across all industries are trying their best to adapt to new, greener standards. While the building industry as a whole has not been the most eco-friendly in the past, sustainable practices are becoming more commonplace in an effort to promote change.
5 Myths About Fabric Buildings
When considering a building solution with very specific applications in mind, a fabric structure may not be at the forefront of options buyers consider. Often, misconceptions surrounding fabric structures are a primary cause, deterring businesses from going that direction with their building purchase.
Quonset Hut Buildings: Why You Should Consider Clearspan Over A Quonset Building
Since its military origins, the Quonset building has remained a popular choice amongst operations, largely due to its lightweight, versatile nature and streamlined construction process. However, from this style of structure have emerged other designs, developed by manufacturers to better meet the needs of modern businesses.
Fabric BuildingS Cost: What Impacts Fabric Building Prices?
Fabric building prices can be impacted by a wide variety of factors, from the design of the structure itself to the site it’s being built on. This resource is intended to provide operations with a detailed breakdown of those differentiators, giving them an in-depth look at what fabric buildings cost.
How Will Your Building Stand Up TO Inclement Weather?
No matter where your operation is located, it will likely experience some harsh weather. Whether a business is located in the perpetually rainy Pacific Northwest, the tornado prone Midwest, the hurricane susceptible Gulf Coast or the unpredictable and ever changing Northeast, a strong, secure building is a necessity.
ClearSpan Buildings Offer Durability And Peace Of Mind FOr Users
Customers often turn to ClearSpan when in need of a cost-effective coverage solution that provides the same durability as a conventional building. This was the case with Nuark Warehouse & Logistics, who needed a structure to house the coal they store before moving it to a steel mill.
5 Reasons To Choose ClearSpan For Your NExt Building Project
Finding the right building for a business is a daunting task. Each industry has a unique set of needs to meet and a vast selection of building options to explore. ClearSpan fabric structures have earned the nickname “Buildings of 1,000 Uses” for good reason.
Key Considerations For A Successful Recreational Building
Whether it’s seasonal sports practice, year-long athletics classes, local weekend events or other social activities, recreation is at the heart of communities and schools everywhere. Each community has unique needs, so when planning a new recreational building, it’s crucial for them to choose effective design elements.
Steel Construction Proven Essential During Lumber SHortage
In 2020, many industries experienced shortages of essential goods and materials, hindering their operation and causing manufacturing to stall. One of the industries most heavily impacted was the construction industry, with many projects screeching to a halt due to the lack of lumber.
Hybrid Buildings Combine The Best Of Both WOrlds
Fabric and metal are each beneficial materials in their own right. The translucency of fabric allows for ample sunlight, and the strength of metal can provide increased durability.
Stay Ahead Of Cold Weather With ClearSpan
Winter’s harsh chill is fast approaching, and leaving livestock or industrial materials outside can often result in profit loss for many businesses. Constructing a building in time for harsh winter months can help businesses protect their product and operate without interference from a testy Mother Nature.
Need A Building SOlution Fast? Choose ClearSpan’s Pre-Engineered Structures
Sometimes, the less time that needs to go into designing a fabric building, the better for businesses looking to get a structure up and running. So, while ClearSpan Structures can be completely customized to fit the smallest detail of an operation, some businesses might not need to design their own building, and sometimes, it is just easier to have a line of stock options to choose from.
The Pandemic May CHange Architecture, But Fabric Structures Can Help
COVID-19 has changed just about every aspect of our daily lives, especially in cities and other crowded areas. As the Los Angeles Times pointed out in their piece “Past Pandemics Changed the Design of Cities. Six Ways COVID-19 Could Do the Same,” COVID-19 has the potential to change the architecture of our cities and buildings towards socially distanced, airy spaces, and fabric structures can deliver just that.
ClearSpan Monoslope Building: A Traditional Solution
Providing cattle with a healthy, comfortable and productive space is imperative to any beef or dairy business. Adding a beneficial cattle building to your property can improve herd quality on any operation.