ClearSpan Fabric Structures Releases Environmental Building Initiatives

SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. October 28, 2015

ClearSpan Fabric Structures, the industry leading manufacturer of tension fabric buildings, releases new environmental building initiatives for their fabric structures.

The “Go Green” movement has gained a lot of steam in the last couple of years throughout the world. Here in the U.S, within the business sector, we have witnessed increasing environmental regulations and restrictions on zoning and building codes. Companies are now becoming mindful to make their buildings environmentally friendly, while also meeting all required ordinances. Most business owners have to consider the environmental impact and sustainability of the buildings in which they store their goods within.

ClearSpan always take environmental and sustainability factors into account, when designing, manufacturing and constructing their fabric structures.

There are countless environmentally friendly advantages found within ClearSpan fabric structures. Starting with the fabric cover and continuing down to the building’s foundation, ClearSpan structures include a number of environmentally conscious factors that are relevant across numerous industries.

ClearSpan Fabric Cover: 

  • ClearSpan structures can save you money in energy costs thanks to a translucent, light-colored fabric covering. This 12.5oz polyethylene cover produces soft illumination inside and reduces the need for artificial lighting, thus reducing electricity consumption. The cover is energy efficient and carries a 20 year warranty.
  • The fabric cover helps keep the ClearSpan structure warmer in winter and cooler in summer. The innovative polyethylene, UV-proof fabric cover typically accounts for a 15 to 20 degree difference in temperature within the structure.
  • The solar reflectance index for the fabric used in ClearSpan fabric covers is 99 out of 100. This is the most important characteristic of a cool roof, as it helps to reflect sunlight and heat away from the building, reducing roof temperatures.
  • For those looking to take their sustainability to the next level, reducing the solar gain by using ClearSpan fabric adds one point to an owner’s LEED score. LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. To receive LEED certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification.

ClearSpan Building:

  • The steel used in ClearSpan structures is manufactured from an industry- leading 90 percent recycled content. We offer a 50 year warranty on ClearSpan’s triple-galvanized structural steel frames.
  • ClearSpan’s structural steel supports and fabric membranes are 100 percent recyclable.
  • ClearSpan buildings can also be used for green industry applications, such as recycling, renewable energy centers, composting, wastewater decontamination and waste material storage. The structures can also be used for housing animals and keeping compost and other waste materials from running off land and contaminating groundwater.

ClearSpan Foundation Options:

  • All of ClearSpan’s foundation options are environmentally friendly, but the most popular choice is the Helical Anchor System. The anchors are classified as 100 percent temporary, but can easily remain for as long as needed. This anchoring option is environmentally sensitive, as the anchors can be removed without disturbing the surrounding area. Using helical anchors also involves minimal site work, which helps to reduce labor costs.

ClearSpan structures carry a long list of environmental benefits. From the materials ClearSpan uses to the installation options provided, ClearSpan are constantly working to improve their buildings for customers looking for a sustainable building solution.