After Customer Demand, ClearSpan Brings Back In-House Financing
November 9, 2017
ClearSpan Fabric Structures is happy to announce that they will now be offering in-house financing solutions. The offer allows customers to pursue or complete their projects, no matter how ambitious it might be, allowing them to improve their business’ functionality and profitability.
“In our nearly 40 years of experience as an expanding company, we understand the value of extended payments for structural and equipment investments. By offering low-interest financing programs, ClearSpan is investing in the growth of our customers and their businesses,” said ClearSpan Sales Manager Geoff Ching.
Financing solutions will be done in house, so customers won’t have to deal with an outside lending company. This provides a more streamlined project and enables customers to get their building when they need it most.
“By working with our internal credit team, we are confident our customers will experience industry-leading service throughout the finance review process, in addition to the exemplary service we provide in design, project management and installation,” said Ching.
With a small down payment, customers are able to take advantage of 5.99% financing, potentially freeing up significant capital.
Ching stressed the importance of this, “When businesses can finance purchases with trusted leaders, it frees up capital to maximize other investments that fuel growth and expansion.”
To find out more Request a Quote or call 866.643.1010